How to Ensure the Integrity of a VDR System

VDR is the equivalent of a ship’s black box of an aeroplane. It documents all the details of an incident on the water, including the date, time and location, speed, and the course of the vessel. The data recorded is an important resource for identifying potential safety hazards and improving operations.

In accordance with IMO regulations, the standard VDR must contain a range of information. These include the date and time that is referred to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as well as vessel’s location (latitude, longitude, coordinate reference) as well as speed and heading and bridge audio (acquisition of voice messages recorded by one or more microphones installed on the bridge for recording conversations and audible alarms), VHF radio communications (VHF) and radar data (a exact replica of the radar display that was in view at the time of recording), rudder order and response engine order and reaction watertight doors as well as their status, and accelerations and hull stress.

The system consists of a concentrator which process and encodes data streams, sensors which input data to the concentrator, and the final recording media (FRM) that is able to withstand accidents and permit the retrieval of the voyage data. The FRM can be fixed to the vessel or a retrievable floating unit that is connected to an EPIRB to provide a quick location in the event of an accident.

The best way to ensure that a vdr operates properly is to include its use in every bridge crew’s drills and exercises for training. The data saved can be used to determine areas in which training is required and to how to get started with your new ideals vdr system enhance bridge procedures and operational safety.

Rodrigo Andrea Rivas

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